Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taylor is 6!!!

Six years ago on December 2Nd I was in my room moving furniture around in order to make room for our new baby girl. (I had been to the Dr. that morning and was scheduled to go in the morning to be induced.) Just as I got the bed made I was eager to lay down and rest, my back was hurting and I felt real sleepy and the anticipation of a new little one was sure to keep me awake most of the night. I told Chad I was not feeling well and I was going to bed. Chad looked at me and said "no you are going to the hospital". I disagreed and again said no I'm going to bed I'm tired. Well Chad was right, and how he knew I still don't know. I was in labor. He collected up a few things for me, called Beverly (his late fathers wife who lives next door) to come stay with the kids,they were in bed, and out the door we went. I was so grateful that he got me to the hospital when he did because I was really in pain. I got a room an epidural, and a super sexy hospital gown, I was ready. I remember laughing at the Dr when he came in, telling him I didn't want to wait till morning, and that he looked terrible, (it was the middle of the night and I got him out of bed) but hey when you are 9 months pregnant, in pain and about to give birth you can say what you want to right. Well anyway not long after that at 3:20 AM we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl Taylor. We had no idea what we were going to name her I had called her Madelyn May up until about the 8th month, then I decided I didn't like that. When the Dr. left the room he said "so who did I just deliver anyway?" Chad and I looked at each other and said we don't know. Then doc said you can name her after me, and that is just what we did. It was Dr. James Taylor.
So now my little Tay is 6 and she is a wild one. We just love her sweet spirit and goofy personality she is such a nut. The day before her birthday she dropped to the floor in excitement and said " I've waited my whole life to be 6" I don't know where she comes up with the things she says and does but she is always making me laugh and surprising me with how smart she is.
We love our little midget.
Tay wanted to have a party and Kylee has always wanted to have a Christmas party so my mom had an idea to do a girly party they both invited friends and we had pizza and did all kinds of crafts and decorated cookies it was a fun day the girls enjoyed themselves and they were both happy they got to have a party.


Giles Fam said...

Happy Birthday, Taylor!

It was so fun to hear your delivery story...and I like the part about how you came up with her name. I have always loved the name Taylor. Good choice! :)