Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lets go a plane?

I stayed up way to early this morning so I was sleeping in late when my mom called at 10 am ( I know I'm lazy) anyway she said get up and get dressed we are going flying. Oh my flying? See a friend of hers recently bought a Sesna 4 seater and my mom had mentioned to him how much Taylor loved planes, so he called mom and said meet me in Brigham at the airport and Ill take her up. So we got ready and went, the entire time Tay was a Nervous Nelly. We got there and went over to the plane she wanted to sit in back with me so we climbed in (remember this is a 4 seater so mom stayed grounded while we went up) . She was still nervous but we got her buckled and her head set on. Jim (the pilot) did the gauge checks all was good so he fired her up. Now Tay is really scared her entire body was shaking, and she said I want out. So Jim shut her down and let her out she stayed with grandma on the ground. We took off and flew over moms and grandmas house and then mine and then headed to Cache Valley and around through manta and back to the Brigham airport. Jim let kylee have the controls for a while and she turned and banked and flew for a while. Jim said she did real well and she could help land. She did great at that too (with Jim's help of course). It was a great day in the sky, Jim said he would take us again sometime when Tay was ready.

Kylee enjoying the ride
The Plane
My house
My house from the sky

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Crazy Cristmas

Ok so who was it that was wishing for a white Christmas?? What a beautiful day it was. We all had a great time. Kelton woke us all up at 7:00 because the big man had come. Taylor had told me 6 times daily for 3 months that she wanted a Little Mommy Go Doll, and I am so glad Santa brought that for her. I don't think I could have spent the day with her if he hadn't. Kylee was thrilled when she got a karaoke machine, she loves to sing and be in the spotlight. We were all really excited to see that Santa had bought the family a Wii, we haven't stop playing. We did decide to venture out about noon to go to my moms. We had dinner and opened a few more gifts, but because of the weather our visit was short. We came home and shoveled and moved snow for the rest of the evening. All in all it was a good day.

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown

This year Kylees class did the Charlie Brown

Christmas play. It was so cute her class did an amaizing job. I was really impressed that they memerized their lines. It was a really well done performance. I remember at one point l;eaning over to my mom and tellling her how I feel luck to live in a small community, anywhere in the SL area the kids would not have been aloud to sing the songs or even some of the parts. Like Joy To The World ...The Lord has come. and there was also a part where a scripture was read. I got tears in my eyes at the thought of how lucky we are to still have the freedom to mention Christ in school. It was a great day.

Dare Graduation

I am so proud of Kylee for graduating from the DARE program. They learned a lot about the effects of drugs and alcohol, and how to say NO. She had to right a report about the program and everything. The DARE officer did a great job with them, she was always telling me new things. This is a picture of her and her friend Tyann after the Graduation having their cookies and punch.
Way to go Sis I am so proud of you for choosing to say No!!

Poor Kitty Cat

A few months ago the girls convinced us (mostly Chad) to let them have a cat. We have a neighbor down the road who had some that were up for grabs so we went to pick one out, and because I am a sucker when it comes to my girls we came home with two. We have Pumpkin (Tays) and Smiff (Kylees). Now Chad is not a cat fan at all, so they are of course confined to the garage. Now again I am a sucker so when Chad is at work we let the kitty's in to play. Don't tell Chad. I knew it would not be long before one of the girls has their cat dressed in doll clothes and pushing them in the baby buggy, and of course Tay was the one to do it. Her poor cat trys really hard to hide and get away from her, but usually fails. This particular day I guess the cat had enough and just gave in and let Tay play "dolly" with him, because he just layed in the buggy and let Tay push her around. What a good kitty

I cant post one of Tays cat and not kylee's so here she is Smiff the cat

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Prayers Please

Hi all I just wanted to ask all my readers for your help with prayers. I have a good friend, whom I have know since I was 5, that is sick she has had a run of bad health for a few years now. In fact she was on her death bed last year around this time. She had a large tumor that was inoperable so the Dr's did some sort of radiation the tumor did shrink. However due to its size and location it caused other problems for her. She was able to come home but has had several other trips to the Huntsman Center due to complications. She again just had to go back she has pneumonia and is septic her blood sugar dropped WAY low, and she may also have an infection in her main line (the catheter going into her heart that she is fed through and gets her meds through). This girl is very dear to my family and I pray for a speedy recovery not only to get better but also to be able to go home with her family for Christmas. So as you kneel to pray tonight please include Jami in those prayers.

Also if you would like to read more about her you can visit her blog

Her wonderful sister ( my lifelong friend) did the blog for her, and us, so we could see how she is doing.
Jami I love you get better soon.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taylor is 6!!!

Six years ago on December 2Nd I was in my room moving furniture around in order to make room for our new baby girl. (I had been to the Dr. that morning and was scheduled to go in the morning to be induced.) Just as I got the bed made I was eager to lay down and rest, my back was hurting and I felt real sleepy and the anticipation of a new little one was sure to keep me awake most of the night. I told Chad I was not feeling well and I was going to bed. Chad looked at me and said "no you are going to the hospital". I disagreed and again said no I'm going to bed I'm tired. Well Chad was right, and how he knew I still don't know. I was in labor. He collected up a few things for me, called Beverly (his late fathers wife who lives next door) to come stay with the kids,they were in bed, and out the door we went. I was so grateful that he got me to the hospital when he did because I was really in pain. I got a room an epidural, and a super sexy hospital gown, I was ready. I remember laughing at the Dr when he came in, telling him I didn't want to wait till morning, and that he looked terrible, (it was the middle of the night and I got him out of bed) but hey when you are 9 months pregnant, in pain and about to give birth you can say what you want to right. Well anyway not long after that at 3:20 AM we were blessed with our beautiful baby girl Taylor. We had no idea what we were going to name her I had called her Madelyn May up until about the 8th month, then I decided I didn't like that. When the Dr. left the room he said "so who did I just deliver anyway?" Chad and I looked at each other and said we don't know. Then doc said you can name her after me, and that is just what we did. It was Dr. James Taylor.
So now my little Tay is 6 and she is a wild one. We just love her sweet spirit and goofy personality she is such a nut. The day before her birthday she dropped to the floor in excitement and said " I've waited my whole life to be 6" I don't know where she comes up with the things she says and does but she is always making me laugh and surprising me with how smart she is.
We love our little midget.
Tay wanted to have a party and Kylee has always wanted to have a Christmas party so my mom had an idea to do a girly party they both invited friends and we had pizza and did all kinds of crafts and decorated cookies it was a fun day the girls enjoyed themselves and they were both happy they got to have a party.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Never had lights

My dear cute Grammie told Kelly that she has never had lights on the house for Christmas, and if you know Kelly then you know what that means.....Get lights, lots and lots of lights. And that she did. So Val Kelly Derrick and I spent a few hours Sunday afternoon putting up lights, lots and lots of lights, on Grammies house. Grammie was at moms while we did it so it was a really surprise for her when we walked her home on her lighted path from moms.
She was so happy to see all the lights we had put up on her front porch
Here we are after the surprise.
I LOVE surprises!!
We could not have done this with out Kelly. Kelly is so giving and so caring. She would give you her last dollar if you needed it. She is the peace keeper of the family she is always reminding us to "be nice" and setting the example for us all. She also keeps the kids in line, no complaining or fighting when Aunt Kelly is here. Kelly I love you very much (tear) I wish you could be closer so we could have fun like this all the time. I look forward to you coming back in September for Daddy's birthday. (we will have to go shopping for a gift) I love you sister. See you soon.

Ogden Light Parade

Valorie and her family invited us all down to go to the Christmas Light Parade with them, and I am SOOO glad we all went. The girls and I had so much fun (as usual it was just me and the girls Chad stayed home AGAIN). We had never seen a light parade before so it was a treat to get to see something new. All the lighted up trucks, tractors, and floats, and many different marching

bands. We danced to the music and acted silly.
Kylee Taylor and Ruger at Parade
Val and Derrick being silly.
After the parade we went to the Ogden Municipal Building (I think that's where we were). We again danced and sang and had a great time.
Taylor and Uncle Derrick waiting to see Santa.
(He is so good with my girls they just love him)
They brought out Santa and a little girl "flipped the switch" to turn on all the park lights, it was beautiful. We got some hot coco and walked around Christmas Village. We then danced around and sang some more I know we are nuts.
Val and Kelly dancing with our Daddy
Thanks barbers for the invite and a truly amazing night. That was the most fun I have had in a very long time.

Black Friday

OH How I love Black Friday!! I got up at 3:00 so I could be to moms by 3:30. my good friend Joann went with so I picked her up and meet up with Kelly, Gretchen and Mom.
Here is a real bad pic of us before leaving moms.
Hayden was going to go but Triston didn't sleep very well so she was to tired at 3 am to go shop ALL day. So we head off to Brigham where we met up with Val at Wallies (Wal-Mart). Oh my there were a few people at Wallies. I like to go there first because they will let you in and you can go scout out your deals and stand inside where it is warm and not outside in a line in the cold. So everyone found where they needed to be and we waited. I was standing next to Gretchen at 5 till and everyone started yelling and grabbing and pushing. This was not anywhere I wanted to be so Gretch grabbed her printer and we darted to the front. I did go back and get a few things I wanted after all the chaos died down though. From there we went to Shopko and I got a lot of stuff. Then to Berts for breakfast (by now it is almost 6:30). We then went to Ogden to Sears, Mervyns, Bath and Body Works, Deb, Fred Myere Jewelers, and Chick-fil-a (Kelly doesn't get to go there in Alaska). While in the mall we all took turns sitting in the massage chairs (3 minutes for a buck) so for some much needed relaxing
From the mall we went to Sams club where I bought myself the final book in the Twilight series ( I know I'm a little behind). Then back to Wallies and Shopko. I know I know not enough pictures but I was to busy shopping to take pictures. We had a blast though. It is always so good to get out with the girls and go shop. I am so blessed to have such great family and friends that i can have fun with . I love you girls. Cant wait till next year.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This year for Thanksgiving we went to my moms house. I was going to do dinner here at home for my little family, but after moms Kelly surprise, I just had to go to moms. We all had a really good time, and really good food. We sure missed Valorie and her family though it was Derricks families year so they went there. They were going to come to moms later in the day for pies and shopping day planning but Val was really sick with a cold so we didn't get to see them at all on Thanksgiving. My camera was being weird so I didn't get any pics to share with you all.