Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm a slacker!!!

I know I know I am a slacker and have not blogged in forever. I guess I either have better things to do or I am a totally boring person and have nothing cool to share with anyone. Ya you guessed it I am a totally boring person who has nothing cool to share. How sad is that? Ok so here is a recap of the last two boring weeks. Tuesday the 13th I got the privilege of going to the dentist, I know your jealous. I had a cavity and a broken tooth I'm not sure how long it was broken it didn't hurt or anything but it did feel a little weird, so he ground it down to a little nubber and put a cap on it. It feels a lot better now not so jagged. Then on the 14th I went to enrichment night. It was a lot of fun, we talked about journaling and then made one.(a journal that is) They are so cute and believe it or not I have written in it every day. I love it. On the 16th the girls and I picked up my mom, dad, and Grammy and headed to Ogden where we met up with Val and Ruger and went to a show it was a lot of fun. We saw Marley and Me and we all cryed like babies. It was so cute Kylee and Ruger held each other and told each other that it was ok, how sweet. Then we headed home, well back to Tremonton. The girls are in Girl Scouts again this year and we had to go have our annual cookie meeting (anyone want cookies? Sales end tomorrow the 31st)

January 21st this was a wonderful day. This is mine and Chads 9th anniversary. He had to work and do homework so we didn't go out or anything. He sent me a dozen beautiful red roses and I got him a card. Then on Friday we went to the movie. I know two movies in a week, what a treat. Anyway we went to Gran Torino it was a pretty good show. Then we just came home cause it was way foggy in Logan and we wanted to make it home.

Then I had to go to the dentist again on the 28th, two more cavities. Yes I know flossing daily would be a great idea, and lay off the sweets that would help too.

So there you have it my super entertaining life. Tomorrow I'm going to take Kylee and her friend to the movie (yeah another movie) Kylee's birthday is the 3rd and she wanted this big huge party and when I told her the more the party costs the lower the gift budget went. So she opted to take one friend and go to the movie. Good girl saved me lots of money. I'll let you all know how the movie goes and post some pics. Gosh I haven't even taken any pics this month....Slacker......

Monday, January 12, 2009

Good Girl

I cant believe I forgot to post about this one, I guess I get an award also, mine for bad mom of the month. Anyway each month Fielding School has an end of month activity, and also a citizen ship award ceremony. Well in December they had their usual Christmas sing-a-long. During the sing-a-long Principal Jackman gave out the awards, and my little Taylor was one of the recipients. She was awarded for being nice to one of her classmates, he did not have anyone to sit next to on the bus so Taylor said she would wait for him and sit with him on the way home. Way to go Bun (yes I call her Bun) You did a great job I am so proud of you.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crafts and giveaways

Hi all I wanted to share this blog with you. This gal is a friend of a friend, and she is so crafty. You should check out her blog she has several tutorials on how to make some of her cute things and also does giveaways. Check it out