Sunday, November 2, 2008

Im so EXCITED!!!!!

November is a great month, fall leaves, beautiful colors, cool air, GREAT food, and SHOPPING DAY!!!! I can not wait until Black Friday, that has got to be my favorite day of the year. My favorite holiday? Yes it sure is.........OK no its not my fav my fav would be Christmas, but I LOVE SHOPPING DAY. It has been tradition for years for my mom, sister, and I along with some friends now and then, to get up before the roosters and drive to the town of our choice and shop with all the other crazy women who get up at 3AM. Some say I am crazy, but I have got to say it is probably the funnest day of the year for me.


Giles Fam said...

AMEN!!! I just need to figure out where I'm going to be for Black Friday--I love going with my sisters. It really is a rush--and even Sky likes it. :)

About Us said...

I love black friday too, I can hardly wait!! and by the way I love the toe nails:)